Sunday, May 24, 2009

Things I want to do for ME...

Considering the fact I was married ALL of my adult life until recently, I have discovered that I do not really know who I am. The "me" that exists today is a product of choices I made in the past and people I met along the way. I'm not saying that the "me" that exists is not worthy of existence, just that there are parts of "me" waiting to be discovered.

There are many things I have never done for myself that I have always had the desire to do. Many things have occurred in my life preventing these desires, whether it was marriage, my parents, lack of money, children, work or school, the reasons for not doing doesn't really matter. What does matter is that I am figuring out who the real Dana is and I realize that I need to do some of these things --- for ME!

So, here's my list:
  1. Learn to play the piano
  2. Learn to swim
  3. Take cake decorating classes
  4. Get a massage or two or three or more
  5. Go on a vacation by myself
  6. Visit a spa and take a mud bath
  7. Spend an entire week scrapbooking
  8. Sing special music at church (actually, I've always wanted to be a Wedding Singer)
  9. Earn my Master's Degree (not sure in what - I just know that I want a Masters)
  10. Have something published

Alright, I'll call this my Top 10 List --- Let me know what you think as I am open to suggestions as to how to get some of this accomplished.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Single, Married, Widowed, Separated or Divorced???

Miss, Mrs., Ms. - what's in a title? Why can't you just call me Dana?

For 18 years and 4 months, I was Miss Dana Renee' Woods.
In 1989, I got married and became Mrs. Wasband Underwood.
I kept that title for 19 years and 10 months.

Mrs. Dana Underwood
Mrs. Wasband Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. Wasband Underwood

Now, I am Ms. Dana Underwood. I don't even get to be Ms. Dana Woods. I could have, I guess, but I have three children with the last name Underwood and I have had the last name Underwood longer than I ever had the last name Woods. It only made sense to keep the name I most identified with and with whom everyone identified me.

I remember being all excited when I first got married. Filling out forms was so fun. I got to check the "Mrs" box and then I got to check the "married" box. I liked it! No more little "Miss", I was grown-up, I was MARRIED!

I went to visit my gynecologist for my annual checkup not long ago. I've seen the same doctor for any "downtown" issues for almost 20 years. I really like him but like most other women, I do not enjoy going for this annual exam. I am guilty of not seeing him annually and instead I see him about every 18 months. Since I only go every year and a half, I always have to update my paperwork. This year, given the fact that everything in my life had changed, I found myself sitting in the waiting room, filling out forms and I didn't like it this time...

The very first box I had to mark was the Miss, Mrs. or Ms. box. My only option was "Ms." because I am no longer a "Miss" and I had a divorce decree indicating I was no longer a "Mrs". Next I filled in my name, my new address, my gender (as if that needs to be marked on a gynecological form), my new telephone number, work information, insurance information. Everything had changed! It was the last box that I didn't want to mark. My choices were: "Single" "Married" "Widowed" "Separated" or "Divorced". Why does that matter? Why does anyone really need to know that? I'm "Single" now. I'm "Divorced." Doesn't that mean the same thing? My divorce decree says that I am restored my "single status", it doesn't say that I must now identify myself as "Divorced". "Separated?" - what does that mean? I am "Separated" from the life I knew - I'm "Separated" from my kids half of the time. I felt like I had been "Widowed". The only box I didn't want to check was "Married" - all the others seemed like perfectly good choices.

Being the rule follower that I am, I marked the box that said "Divorced" - but I didn't like it. Forms are no longer fun - yet another thing I did enjoy but no longer find enjoyable. It's not just the doctor where you have to fill out these forms - it is employment applications, loan applications, school forms for your children, etc. Now, I get mail and it either says "Dana Underwood" or it says "Ms. Dana Underwood". Even my ex-mother-in-law sent me a Valentine's Day card that said "Ms. Dana Underwood and children." OUCH!!!

I don't think anyone, including my ex-mother-in-law, means anything by it, and maybe it is a title that I will someday get used to. Right now, though, Ms. Underwood just sounds lonely to me. The missing "r" means that someone is missing from my life.

I received a wedding invitation the other day and I liked the way it was addressed. It said:
Dana Underwood and Family. That is what I prefer - Dana Underwood - so if you send me any mail, a title really isn't necessary, it will get here just the same and it won't remind me that something is missing....

Like Loretta Lynn sings "I Miss Being a Mrs." - that doesn't mean that I miss Wasband, just that I miss the title that went with being married.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Naked Mom Crying on Mother's Day

I wasn't sure what to expect this year on Mother's Day and you may be wondering what to expect from this post given the title... please keep reading.

I think last year was probably the worst Mother's Day of my life - and I hope I never have another that equals it. Let's see - last year - Wasband (who was Husband at the time), printed a picture of each of our children on a piece of regular white paper. Each of our two daughters had written something beside their picture - Emily wrote "Happy Mother's Day"; Kensley wrote "I love you more than As-U-May (her horse); and Husband wrote beside Edison's picture "Can't wait for you to be my mommy!" Edison was still in Guatemala at the time. Granted, we did go to Lowe's the day before Mother's Day and bought some flowers - but nobody mentioned anything about those being my Mother's Day gift! The picture page would have been sweet and cute had I received it on Sunday morning, but I received it Sunday night - after I made it clear I was NOT happy! Two weeks later, I received a Wii Fit balance board and game for our Wii system. I guess that should have been a CLUE but last May, I thought things were looking up for the two of us, and remained CLUELESS!

Fast forward - one year later. I was dreading Mother's Day this year - knowing it couldn't possibly be worse than last year except for the fact that I was now, officially, a "Single Mom". Don't get me wrong - I love my children more than anything and I know that Mother's Day should be a day that I celebrate being their Mother. This year should have been extra special since Edison was going to be with me to celebrate his first Mother's Day. Unfortunately, it was somewhat clouded by the fact that this was my first "Single Mom Mother's Day". Unless you have been in this situation - you may not understand the loss. I never wanted to be a single mom. I made the decision I was going to make the best of this Mother's Day weekend. Both of the girls seemed excited to spend time with me and we were looking forward to being together. I think they too, realized how different this year was going to be and wanted to make it special for me.

When I got out of the shower Sunday morning, I went to my bedroom to get dressed and there on my bed was an envelope. I opened it to find a gift certificate to my favorite local restaurantn and another envelope inside with a card. Wasband (or someone) had come through with a gift. Did I mention I love getting presents??? Presents are important to me - I think it is one of my love languages. The best gift of all was the handwritten card I received from my kids. It was in Emily's writing and said something like "You are the best mom we could ever ask for - we know you have been through a lot this past year and you have tried to stay strong for us and we love you." I'm crying as I re-type the message. Each had signed the card, including Edison, who had scribbled over the signature one of his sister's had signed for him.

I was still wrapped in my towel, had tears in my eyes, and went into the living room to give Emily a hug and a kiss and to tell her that I love her. Kensley was now in the shower. I walked toward Emily and she asked, "What's wrong?" I said, "Nothing, that was the sweetest card. Thank you." I bent down to hug her and she let me kiss her on the forehead and she started grinning showing her beautiful teeth and said, "This is weird." I said, "What's weird? That fact that I'm crying and kissing you and I'm naked?" She said, "Exactly!" We had a good time laughing and it was one of those moments we will both probably always remember.

After Kensley had gotten dressed, I met her in the hallway and said, "Thank you for the card and the gift certificate - it was really sweet." Emily said, "Yeah, just be glad you didn't get the thank you from Mom that I got!" I said, "Yeah, lucky for you - I'm dressed!" Kensley just looked at us and then told me that she had made something for me at school but had to leave it there on Friday because it wasn't dry. I can't wait to see what it is. Like I said, I love presents!

As for Edison, I took it upon myself to make my own gift from him. I painted both of his hands and his feet and put his prints on a piece of corkboard. He was amazed and kept looking at his hands and feet and saying, "Wow!" Now I just have to be sure he doesn't find where I keep the paint and the paint brushes or he will be trying that himself. That would not be good!

So, the naked Mom crying on Mother's Day??? That was me! Hey...I was in a towel!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I love to search for quotes about things. Just take a look at my Facebook status from day to day - LOL! Today, I wanted to share some quotes about Mother's.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's who follow my blog... and especially, to my own Mother. I love you, Mom! I could have never made it through this past year without you - nor would I have wanted to. Thank you for listening to me, for loving me, reminding me who I am and who God wants me to be.

Emily Dickinson is my very favorite poet - probably because I think it's cool that we share the same birthdate. I love to read her poetry although I have trouble understanding a lot of it. We were both born on December 10th - she, 140 years before me!

[A] mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled. ~Emily Dickinson

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. ~Washington Irving

A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother's love endures through all. ~Washington Irving

Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing. ~Toni Morrison, Beloved, 1987

A daughter is a mother's gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships. ~Victoria Secunda

Thursday, May 7, 2009

RESILIENCE - this is long

I stayed home from work today because I was sick. My house was clean and I had a stress free day. I napped off and on all day and fell asleep through Dr. Phil but I got to catch Oprah's interview of Elizabeth Edwards. I am a believer that all things happen for a reason and I think I was supposed to see this interview. I plan to buy Elizabeth Edwards' book tomorrow. The title is Resilience.

Her interview was amazing and I could have been sitting there telling my own story. I have a transcript of the interview in front of me and I just want to re-write it using my own words...

When Dana Woods married Wasband Underwood in 1989, she asked him for one thing - fidelity. "I wanted him to be faithful to me, It was very important."

To many, the Underwood's marriage seemed unbreakable. After waiting 4 years to start a family, they miscarried their first child. They mourned this loss and grew up a lot during that time. Months later, they celebrated with the birth of their daughter, Emily and four years later, another daughter, Kensley. Many years later, they celebrated the adoption of their youngest child, Edison, a son.

During Wasband's career as a police officer, Dana was a constant support. Although the long hours, odd shifts and travel and stress of being married to a "cop" took a toll on her physically, emotionally, and mentally, she stood by him.

Unlike John, Wasband did not tell me that he had broken the promise he had made 19 years earlier, instead she learned through a text message. It was several more months before she learned the extent of his unfaithfulness.

I'm not sitting with Oprah in the dream house Wasband and I built together, instead, I sit at my computer in a much smaller home that I now rent. I will continue to share my thoughts as they correspond with Elizabeth's story.

The first time I found out, I cried, I sceamed and I cried some more. When I first confirmed what I knew in my heart had happened months before, I too, threw up. I threw up in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I have had lots of really tough nights!

Like Oprah's agreement with Elizabeth, I will not mention the other woman by name. Wasband told me initially that the other woman was out of his life; but I later learned that was not the truth. Unlike John, Wasband never said that "he had regretted what he had done".

Fortunately, I didn't have to ask Wasband to drop out of a presidential race - so I will skip this portion of the transcript.

Everthing was overwhelming for me. I was angry and hurt and had a lot of self-doubt about who I was and what I meant to Wasband. I could totally relate when Elizabeth stated she was thinking "all those things [other women] in my position go through."

John and Elizabeth attempted to keep the affair a secret. At first, I did the same - telling no one that we were having problems, until I realized Wasband had no intention of trying to work things out. Rumors were circulating - lots of people noticed Wasband's weight loss, his increased phone usage, his excessive travel, his inability to look people in the eye. People kept telling me there was someone else and I continued to deny it wanting to protect Wasband.

Months later, the truth finally came out. Fortunately, millions weren't watching on Nightline. I don't guess Wasband has ever publically admitted he had cheated on me. I think Elizabeth is blessed to have a husband like John who said, "Let me say this, and I want to say it absolutely clearly, I was wrong, and I am responsible."

My story drifts a little from Elizabeth's at this point. When John admitted publicly that he had cheated, Elizabeth was struggling with another admission John had made. She had learned the whole truth - that his relationship with the other woman was not a one-time indiscretion. I did not learn the whole truth until two months after our divorce was final. John admitted he had cheated more than once and in fact, the affair had lasted for months. I learned that Wasband's affair had been going on almost the entire time we had been adopting our son.

In Elizabeth's words - which could be mine "It felt like a blow to me...It was so hard for me to even imagine such a thing." Learning that it had hapened more than once. "That was probably the worst...they compete for the worst moment because [of] all the work we'd done, all the trust we'd tried to build."

To try to make sense of Wasband's betrayal, I asked him how it started. By his account, they met each other while he was working. By John's account, his affair began with just four words -- "You are so hot." I wonder if that is how Wasband's began????

While working on a long-term investigation, Wasband met the other woman, they began having lunch together, and that led to more...

Like Elizabeth, I would have wagered my home on the fact that Wasband, my husband of 19+ years at the time, would never have responded to this sort of come-on. Elizabeth stated she doesn't think John knows to this day why he said yes." I wonder the same thing about Wasband.

The next part of this transcript strikes such a nerve with me.

Like many women in her situation, Elizabeth says she wanted to know the
details of her husband's affair. "I'm a puzzle-doer." she says.
"I had pieces of the puzzle, and I felt like it was going to make sense if I
had all the pieces."

I have never been given all the pieces and was recently told I was not entitled to them because we are now divorced and none of that matters! I have so many questions... I remember one time asking Wasband if he loved her because in the text message he said he did. He said he didn't know. It seemed impossible to me. Like the other woman in John and Elizabeth's life, this other woman in my life was very, very different from me and really very different from him.

To this day, I don't really know why he cheated. I don't know if he has tried to figure it out. He says he has talked to people to try to work that out but I personally don't think he has talked to the right people. I think he needs to get back in touch with the people who know who he really is. He avoids all of his old friends. He avoids all the people from our church - a church he had been a member of for more than 20 years. Wasband had the opportunity for an affair and I think it turned into more than he thought it would. The consequences for him have been minimal. I am the one who has lost everything.

Elizabeth says she encountered the other woman once and didn't really meet her. They were just in the same place at the same time. I, on the other hand, have had to deal with the other woman in my life on a weekly basis. Wasband enjoys bringing her to every sporting event my child participates in. He even wanted her to be a part of Edison's 1st birthday party, but I told him I was not ready for that. He and his family chose not to come and instead, had their own party. That is okay. I still stand by the decision I made. I am not ready.

At first, like Elizabeth, I wondered if I did something to cause the affair but I have come to the conclusion that it was never about me. I hold Wasband and the other woman responsible.

"I blame [Wasband], but also, women need to have more respect for other women," she says. "It takes a lot of work to put together a marriage, to put together a family and a home.... You have to have enough respect for other human beings to leave their lives alone. If you admire that life, build it for yourself. Don't just try to come in and take somebody else's life."

[skipping another part of the transcript that does not apply]

Elizabeth says part of being resilient is deciding to make yourself miserable over something that matters... or making yourself miserable about something that doesn't matter. This is where our stories drift apart but I wish they were still parallel.

These days, Elizabeth says she and John are still living under the same roof and trying to make their marriage work. In Resilience, she writes, "He can try to treat the wound, and he has tried. He can try to make me less afraid, and he has tried. But I am now a different person. The way we were is no longer the way we can be."

Wasband and I no longer reside under the same room and actually our divorce is already final. I would give anything if Wasband had tried to treat the wound or tried to make me less afraid, but he chose to walk away. I am a different person but I still pray for my family to be reunited.

I always thought of myself as self-confident and comfortable with myself. Like Elizabeth I had a pretty good idea of who I was, what my limitations were and knew my virtues. I pretty much spoke my mind and if someone disagreed with me, it didn't bother me too much. I looked like I looked and although I too, have struggled with my weight or other things - all in all - I felt secure in my life and who I was.

Things changed when Wasband cheated. My sense of self was shaken. Everything I do, everything I think is questioned by ME. I worry about how I look, about my wrinkles, my weight, my smile, my attitude - not to mention the stresses of being a single mom, holding a job, being totally dependent on myself, having no benefits, worrying about retirement, my children, and I could go on and on and on....

John and Elizabeth are focused on rebuilding trust, which she says is a slow process. "It means that sometimes he has to have conversations he doesn't want to have," she says. I would love nothing more than to work on rebuilding that trust and I know it would be hard and slow-going.

Elizabeth says she will not let John's affair define HER life or her marriage. "This is a really good man who really did a very, very bad thing. If you take that piece out, I do have a perfect marriage. I have a husband who adores me, who is unbelievable with my children," she says. "And in times where I have been in enormous pain, with the [miscarriage or family deaths], he's been by my side." I know that Wasband is a really good man. For so many years, he adored me and he, too, is unbelievable with our children. Until recently, he was always by my side and I miss him. It is like a death - but he is still here. I continue to have to see him - going on with his life with someone else in my place.

Again, like Elizabeth, there are moments when I wish to protect Wasband. I wanted him and me and our children, to come out of this like we were. I know that will not happen. Wasband was well-respected in our community and I know that a lot of that respect has been lost. He hurt many people - not just me and my children or my family - he has hurt our friends and people who looked up to him. I do not want him to be defined by his choice of unfaithfulness but when he continues to have a relationship with a married woman - there is nothing I can do about that!

Elizabeth was asked by Oprah "Are you still in love with him?" and Elizabeth's response was that it was a complicated question because when you are mad at somebody, it's really hard. I agree with her answer. She went on to say that "trust is a very important part of love". Wasband and I were told during pre-marital counseling that "trust is a major part of a relationship" and we used to always say that to one another. Somewhere along the way - this was forgotten. I will always love Wasband and cannot imagine not loving him.

A quote from her book says, "The only way to find peace, the only way to be resilient when these landmines explode beneath your foundation is to first to accept that there is a new reality."

This is my reality - I am divorced. I am lonely. The person I loved most in the world betrayed me. I now have to share my children. I am totally dependent on my own self. I am humiliated. My self-esteem has been shattered. I am scared.

John stated that when he told Elizabeth about his affair, he didn't know if she would leave ... but he was afraid she might. I don't think Wasband ever cared, actually, I think he got what he wanted - he wanted me to leave.

Resilience - I'm going to Wal-Mart at lunch on Friday to purchase it. Although Elizabeth's story branches off from mine - at a time I wish it would have remained parallel, I realize that I must be resilient. My goal is to be resilient. I am divorced but it is never too late to live happily ever after. I am lonely now but that doesn't mean I always will be. The person I loved most in the world betrayed me but the person I love most in the world now - is God - and I know that he will NEVER betray me. I do have to share custody of and time with my children but when I have them, I will make the most of our time together and when I don't have them, it will give me an opportunity to regenerate and focus on ME! I am dependent on myself to provide food, shelter and clothing to me and my children but I can do it! I was humiliated but this affair was not about me. I did everything I could to save our marriage and preserve our family. My self-esteem - well that may take awhile. I can't undo the fact that I am just a few years shy of 40. I've lost some weight and still have much more to go. My eyes do not have the sparkle they once had and my smile is not quite the same. I do, however, still have the same morals and values I have always had. As for being scared - I think I will always be scared of something - while I think a lot of my fears will be alleviated in the future, it will be hard to trust another but I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me.

Oprah Interviews Elizabeth Edwards:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My 2 year old colt had a spectacular showing on Derby Day!

I know I have said it before and I am going to say it again. I think it was so cool that Edison joined our family in Kentucky and celebrated his first birthday in the USA on none other than the 135th running of the Kentucky Derby! Since we didn't get to celebrate his 1st birthday with him, I wanted to make this one extra special.
The weather was not as cooperative as I had hoped, so like the horse - "I Want Revenge" I scratched the pony rides. The kids also didn't get to play with the giant plastic horse shoes I had purchased. While I was looking forward to the pony rides, I know that Beach Boy, Emily's miniature horse, is somewhat of a beach bum and he doesn't exactly enjoy giving rides to little boys and girls. I'm sure he was much happier standing out in the rain than he would have been giving pony rides to little ones!

Most of Edison's favorite little friends and many of his big friends came to celebrate! Of course, our theme for the big day was horses and Derby 135! I made use of the 135 Kentucky Derby logo, buying balloons and even making Edison a special t-shirt to wear on his special day.
Actually, my sister had purchased his t-shirt. The front of it said "Birthday Boy" and had a dump truck with toys in it. I added the derby logo and "Edison is 2!" to the back using my printer and t-shirt transfer sheets. It will be a keepsake for him if I can get the cake, punch and sucker stains out of it. That reminds me, I need to buy some SHOUT!
His cake had a horseshoe shaped rose garland and a banner that said "Happy Birthday Edison!" It also had a big gold 2 on top and was surrounded by little horse cupcakes. These were made by the Twisted Sifter in Perryville, Kentucky. They were adorable and the cake was DELICIOUS!

Edison was a wonderful "candle blower-outer". I missed the first time he blew out the candles so lit them again. I missed the second photo op too. Here he is checking out one of his "horsh" cupcakes. Did I mention that he loves "horshes".

Edison received lots of wonderful gifts. He got books, tub toys, trucks, balls, sidewalk chalk, clothes, bubbles and a bubble machine, a Diego tricycle and lots of money! Lots of people knew I wanted to purchase the new Step 2 Neighborhood Fun Center for his birthday. Thanks everyone for the gifts of money - they will go toward his Fun Center. It is a combination playhouse, slide, and picnic table and one side has a ring toss and ball game. It gets really good reviews and I can't wait until we get it. Hopefully the middle of May.... I'll post pictures of it as soon as we have it! Here is Edison opening his gifts and riding his new tricycle. Notice my t-shirt in the background.

Although the pony rides and horseshoes had to be canceled, the kids had lots of fun in the garage. We played Pin the Tail on the Donkey, had stick horse races and beat the devil out of a pinata that ended up having to be torn open to get the candy out!! For some reason, I didn't have a camera when we were busting the pinata, but I did get a few photos of the stick horse races.

Miss Isabella was declared the winner of the stick horse race. She was the only little girl there and I knew she would appreciate the roses more than any of the little boys. She was so excited! She carried the roses with her through the rest of the party. Check out the stick horse Isabella is holding. I made those and they turned out really cute. It's amazing what you can do with construction paper, yarn and a stapler!

Before the end of the day, I gave Goodie Bags to all of Edison's friends. Inside were stickers, a ball, a birthday blowout, a noisemaker, a beaded necklace, UK tattoos, some candy, and a few other trinkets. The big hit inside the Goodie Bag were the glasses! Check out these hilarious pictures!

This is Isaac Clay

This is Kain and big brother, Cash

This is Ty
This is Dylan

and here is Kensley and Courtney
The day did not end when the party was officially over. My mom and dad hosted a Derby party for the grown-ups. My brother-in-law, Fred, grilled the most delicious chicken and we had lots of yummy side dishes. My niece organized a Derby Pot. Each person who wanted to participate put $1.00 in the pot and pulled out a derby horse name. I put in $2.00 and pulled out 2 names. I know that one was General Quarters and the other started with an A but I can't remember the name. I was feeling pretty good about having General Quarters and thought I might walk away with the $19.00 pot. There was one horse left and I decided to put $1.00 in for Edison. Well, guess who walked away with $19.00 more dollars...

It was EDISON, the Birthday Boy, he had pulled "Mine That Bird". We all watched in amazement as Mine That Bird maneuvered through all the other horses to Run for the Roses! Everyone started asking, who pulled that horse? I thought about it and said, "Edison did!" Of course, he had no clue that he had just won $19.00, actually when we showed him the money, he took two $1.00 bills and gave one to Cash and the other to Ty. His $17.00 will go toward his Neighborhood Fun Center! What a perfect ending to a wonderfully, perfect day!

A big thank you to EVERYONE who came to share in this special day!

Mama loves you sooooo much!
Welcome to the Terrible, I mean, Terrific Two's...